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文庫 Archive

The Heteronomy and Autonomy of Art and Design
Apollonian and Dionysian are the dichotomy elements which are used to explain the concept of heteronomy and autonomy in creative works....


Works of Art and Product Design in Creative Economy
The commercialization of art and the artification of design make the distinctions between art and design become more obscure than ever....

The Boundary Between Art and Design
Debates about art and design never end. Before arguing about what is art and what is not, the definition of art has to be clarified. Here...

關於藝術和設計的爭論永無止境。在爭論什麼是藝術和什麼不是藝術之前,必須澄清藝術的定義。以下是牛津詞典對英語的藝術和設計的定義。 [藝術:人類創造性技能和想像力的表達或應用,通常以視覺形式,如繪畫或雕塑,產生作品。主要是為了欣賞其美麗或情感力量。...

巴布•狄倫在2016年諾貝爾獎宴會(他缺席了)的演講稿中表示: 「我想到了大文豪威廉•莎士比亞。我想他會自認為是一名劇作家。而他的腦海中根本沒有自己在進行文學創作這種想法。他的文字是為演出而寫的。是為了被說出口,而不是被閱讀。」...

Designers and Arts Build by Mundane
Bob Dylan stated in his speech on the 2016 Nobel banquet from which he was absent. “I began to think about William Shakespeare, the great...
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