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Design Has to Be Close
When it comes to the biggest difference between art and design, the idea of art for art’s sake might be an appropriate perspective to...

若要說藝術與設計最大的差異,那麼從「為藝術而藝術」來看藝術與設計也許再適合不過。 Art for art’s sake 為藝術而藝術。無關作品的價值、教化功能、闡明意義或宣揚思想。不為神、不為君主、不為世人甚至不為自己。為寫詩而寫詩,為繪畫而繪畫。這是藝術最純粹最崇高的型...

產品背後的原始文化意涵,會隨著文化的交流傳播,發展出新的意義。 穆斯林人口占全球24%,但,人們對其文化卻所知甚少。其獨特的文化相較其他文化,之所以能維持相對傳統,在於文化交流的速度與深度較低。保守的態度,使其對外來文化的接受度較低,也使其他文化難以接近。針對其文化的產品開...

How Product Design Help Culture Exchange and Communication-Decathlon’s Running Hijab
New meaning will developed from the original cultural meaning of a product through the communication and exchange of culture. The Muslim...

The Initial Purpose of Product Design-Decathlon’s Running Hijab
A product itself carries cultural implications. These cultural implications, not only cause controversy, but also affect products and...


More Local, More Global III
Cultural interaction is a two-way communication. Globalization affects not only the culture of those who taking in the imported culture...


More Local, More Global II
Logloblization?Imagine the fried milkfish belly restaurant at the corner of your street can be found in supermarkets around the world....

在地全球化,就是你家巷口的煎虱目魚肚能在全世界各家超市買到冷凍包。結果,你在英國時心血來潮買了一個來吃,卻發現魚肚被剃乾淨抹上了羅勒奶油。 實際的例子,其實是珍珠奶茶。一樣是珍珠一樣是奶茶,但到了國外,奶茶和珍珠不只變了味,還變了色。同樣的還有被改造的千奇百怪,在日本人眼裡...

More Local, More Global
Countries with strong economic and political power export their cultures. American restaurants, Nordic furniture, architecture, etc.,...

經濟政治強大的國家以全球化的商業模式輸出自己的文化。美式餐廳、北歐風家具、建築等等,從各方面將文化滲透入不同族群。文化輸出國透過產品銷售,以產品所攜帶的文化影響世界。透過跨國經濟與影視媒體傳播,輸出的文化被其他文化大量吸收,甚至逐漸取代原有的文化。 反動...

工匠們不僅僅要熟練雕刻的手藝,還要會設計圖案。 「他們的作品需要更多的創造力和美感。」 然而,他們無法隨心所欲的創作。工藝師不被視為藝術家,因為其作品的創造力不足以被稱為藝術。他們的作品可能呈現某種文化的視覺藝術,但不一定傳達工匠的個性或情感。...

Patterns-Culture and Crafts
Artisans not only have to master their carving skills but also have to design the patterns. Their works require more creativity and sense...

Art and Crafts
We said craft and design are applied art. We’ve talked about the ambiguity boundary of art and design. The title “designer” is even...
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