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文庫 Archive
Industrial Design and The Development of Fountain Pen
Right now, you might have a ballpoint pen in your hand. Think about its ancestor, dip pen, a thin tube with a sharpened front end which...
也許你手裡正好有一支原子筆。想想它的祖先沾水筆,一支細細的管子,削尖的前端以毛細現象吸起墨水。接著是筆芯內藏墨水的鋼筆,依靠重力使墨水流到筆尖。這個進步使人們從墨水瓶中解放,能夠走到哪寫到哪且不會輕易被抹去。 鋼筆在這個階段蓬勃發展。筆尖、筆舌、筆蓋、筆身、握柄被開發出來。...
Molds for Injection Molding
Injection molding is common for manufacturing plastic products. And, molds are essential to injection molding. So, how exactly does it...
射出成型常用於製造塑料產品。而,模具是射出成型的重要關鍵。那麼,它究竟是如何運作的呢?好吧,我們都知道什麼是模具,餅乾模具、黏土模具、製冰球模具等等。我們把東西放進去,然後把形狀完全相同的東西拿出來。簡單的很。 棘手的部分在於不破壞模具和內部物體的情況下將物體取出。...
Miniaturized Machines for Makers
Today, desktop CNC mill or desktop 3D printers are not designed for the technicians or design units of the plant, but for the general...
如今,CNC工具機或3D列印機,不再是純為工廠的技術人員或設計單位設計,而是為喜歡實現創造力的普通大眾設計。隨著智能機器和自動化的發展,使用者不需要學習手動操作技術,而是讓電腦程式代勞。 這些機器輕巧、顏色鮮豔,隱藏起機械結構。小型化、攜帶便利、智慧型、可穿戴,設計成即使放...
Application of 3D Printing Technologies
Before the term 3D printing was used, the idea and concept had been prophesied—in science fictions though. Such unbelievable technology...
The Influences of 3D Printing
The 3D printing technology was invented in the last century but it was in the hands of companies with patents which, in a way, became...
3D列印的技術其實早在上個世紀就已被發明,但多掌握在握有技術專利的企業手中,就某方面來說,對近一步的技術改良形成阻礙。加上昂貴的機具與設備需求,使製造商寧可不要採用這項較新的技術。 然而,隨著專利到期,相關的製造技術對製造商與設計師公開,進而加速機具的開發研究,3D列印機的...
What is 3D printing?
The so-called 3D printing is actually a category of manufacturing techniques called additive manufacturing. Before we talked about...
儘管法律要求Defense Distributed移除檔案,但仍然可以在像Pirate Bay這樣的共享網站上取得。在網路的世界,資訊無國界。所有下載的人都可以再次分享轉寄,而檔案四處流通難以追蹤。因此,人人都能取得這項資源。...
3D Printed Gun Controversy-Open Resource Design and Democratizing Manufacturing
Although Defense Distributed was demanded to take down the file, it is still available on sharing websites like Pirate Bay. There are no...
還記得那個笑話嗎?「只要知道怎麼Google,任何人都會做炸彈」。現在我們有了可以從網路上下載的「維基武器」,這下可不好笑了。 2013年,分散式防禦組織(Defense Distributed)在網站上以CAD檔案釋出了3D列印槍「解放者」(Liberator)的免費藍圖...
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