Design a Stunning BlogWhen it comes to design, the Wix blog has everything you need to create beautiful posts that will grab your reader's attention. Check out...
Grow Your Blog CommunityWith Wix Blog, you’re not only sharing your voice with the world, you can also grow an active online community. That’s why the Wix blog...
《設計的溝通-設計師與客戶》要建立良好、健康的關係,溝通是必須的,而良好的溝通需要相互理解。設計尤其需要更多的溝通,因為設計的過程涉及的是概念、思緒和想法的轉換,需要近一步地闡述。首先,設計師需要與客戶進行對話。 了解客戶的需求以及他們想要解決的問題至關重要。傾聽、研究並提出問題。當然,設計師必須關注...
It’s All about Communication-Designers and ClientsTo build up a good, healthy relationship, communication is a must and a good communication needs mutual understanding. Design,...
《瑞士刀的啟示》隨著技術的進步,電路和大電池等設備和組件被小型化或被替換為晶片。這不僅為形狀和外觀設計提供了更多空間,且在單個產品中提供了更多功能。功能需求越來越多並不是因為有需要,而是因為它們可以包含在設計中。然而,更多不一定更好。 瑞士刀是以其品質、功能和精密而聞名的設計傑作。數百個刀...
The Inspiration of Swiss Army KnifeAs technology improved, devices and components like electric circuits and big batteries are miniaturized or replaced by chips. This not...
The World of SimulacraArt itself is a kind of simulacra, reproducing perceivable objects, imagining the unknowns, expressing their own emotions. Unlike the...
《擬像的世界》藝術本身就是一種擬像。 從臨摹與再現可感知的實際物體、未知的事物、到展現自身的情感與想像。不像肖維岩洞的洞窟壁畫,米開朗基羅的聖殤、孟克的吶喊和皮卡丘的玩偶,皆是這個時空中佔有物質的存在,卻是不存在於現實的事物的擬像。不消說,機械複製的產物是擬像最好的例子。印刷品、相片、量...
Industrial Design-All Roads Lead to RomeHow do you peel an apple? You can peel it with a knife, with a peeler or a peeler machine. Different products were invented do dealt with...
The Heteronomy and Autonomy of Art and DesignApollonian and Dionysian are the dichotomy elements which are used to explain the concept of heteronomy and autonomy in creative works....
Works of Art and Product Design in Creative EconomyThe commercialization of art and the artification of design make the distinctions between art and design become more obscure than ever....
The Boundary Between Art and DesignDebates about art and design never end. Before arguing about what is art and what is not, the definition of art has to be clarified. Here...