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A cake tasted the same without garnishments but you will enjoy it more if it does.

We talk about art, about aesthetic, about appearance and form. But, how does it influence the “product” and how does it work? First of all, we need to make it clear that the appearance here is not making meticulous sculptures or installation arts. It is to complement a sense of beauty for a dull machine or tool by visual and tactile art.

Why do we need forms and appearance design? Well, if you are making a rocket engine, you don’t need to concern about appearance at all. The most important and necessary thing for a rocket engine is that it could function well. Therefore, whether it is ugly or not will be the least concerns. We will let it pass for now since these domains belong to mechanical design. The need of appearance design is rooted from human’s crave for beauty.

Our ancestors paint decorative patterns on their tools and containers not to improve their functions but to please themselves. The need of appearance design has emerged since then. They want not just the function but something more. Today, appearances and forms are what we expect from a product. A product without appealing appearance will not be favored by consumers and users.

Appearances and forms influenced the using experience. The experience will not only be the smooth function and easy to use. The texture of the product, visual sensation and audio effects will be included while user feeling the product with their five senses.

We had said that design will influence users’ sense of aesthetic. Products we use and see every day stimulate and build our insight and sensitivity about beauty. Appearance and form design formed not only the concept of products but also our sense of beauty. We want beauty to be everywhere in our life than being distant and hard to access.

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