Countries with strong economic and political power export their cultures. American restaurants, Nordic furniture, architecture, etc., infiltrate culture into different cultures from all aspects. By selling products, cultural exporting countries influence the world with their cultures carried by the products. Under the influence of transnational economy and media, cultures were spread and had been greatly absorbed by other cultures and even gradually replaced the original culture.

Glocalization is a resistance and compromise to globalization. Logloblization is to use globalization to promote a local culture to the world. But, what is the difference between glocalization and logloblization?
In order to make people of different culture accept your culture.
This is the mutual goal of glocalization and logloblization.
From customs, languages, religious beliefs and culture, glocalization integrates its own culture and products into the country of culture. As a result, the exported culture is therefore not as “pure” as it was at home. Should localization is a translation process of culture, it is necessary to use the language of the target language, changing words and phrases for the target reader. However, excessive localization may have counterproductive effects.
Square peg in a round hole
You can stick to your own opinion and selling cheese burger (we got real beef here) and ice cream in Israel, it’s no wonder that only things sold on the menu are chips. Since the horizontal transplantation won’t work, cultural transmissions will inevitably change the look of the original culture.
Think about it, when you walk into a fast-food restaurant, finding that they sell steamed buns and pork. Or, you go to a Japanese restaurant, finding a barbecue sauce flavored miso soup and potato stew with sesame oil. When you choose an exotic restaurant, you expect exotic dishes. Excessive localization has become a re-creation which may destroy the specialness of culture diversity.
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