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Injection molding is common for manufacturing plastic products. And, molds are essential to injection molding. So, how exactly does it work? Well, we all know what molds are, molds for cookies, molds for clay dough, molds for ice balls, etc. We put things in, and get things, which will be shaped exactly the same, out. It’s easy. The tricky part is to get them out without breaking the mold and the object inside.

Molds for injection molding are not just cases that shape the plastic into whatever structure you like. Wrong calculation of draft angles will make it impossible to release the object from the molds. Careless placement of sprue, runners and gates will cause the uneven distribution of plastic. Poor arrangement of slides and their mechanics will make the mold fail to either form the right structure or to release the product. Therefore, molds makers have to consider many factors to design a mold.

Since the same structure can be formed by various ways, there are different ways of mold designing that can achieve the same result. How to simplify the design even though the product has a rather complicated structure? How to reduce the use of difficult techniques if possible? How to hide the trace of the parting lines, gate marks, etc. by thoughtful design? These are the art of mold design and injection molding which are hard to master.

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